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What Is a Fractional CO2 Laser Machine Used for?

Apr. 24, 2023

Fractional CO2 laser machines are widely used in the field of medical aesthetics and dermatology. These machines are designed to deliver concentrated bursts of laser energy to the skin, creating controlled wounds that trigger the body's natural healing processes. This type of laser technology can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions, from wrinkles and fine lines to scars and age spots.

In this article, we will discuss the various uses and benefits of fractional CO2 laser machines in more detail.

Skin Resurfacing

One of the most popular uses for fractional CO2 laser machines is skin resurfacing. As we age, our skin naturally becomes thinner, drier, and less elastic, leading to the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing can help to reverse some of these signs of aging by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin fibers in the skin.

During a fractional CO2 laser resurfacing treatment, the laser is used to create micro-channels in the skin. These channels penetrate deep into the dermis, stimulating the body's natural healing response. The body responds to these micro-channels by producing new collagen and elastin fibers, which help to plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing can also be used to reduce the appearance of age spots and other pigmentation irregularities. The laser energy targets the melanin in the skin, causing it to break down and be absorbed by the body. Over time, the treated areas will fade, leaving behind more even, youthful-looking skin.

CO2 Fractional Laser Machine

CO2 Fractional Laser Machine

Acne Scarring

Fractional CO2 laser machines are also commonly used to treat acne scarring. Acne scars can be difficult to treat with traditional topical creams and ointments, but fractional CO2 laser technology can provide a more effective solution.

During a fractional CO2 laser acne scar treatment, the laser is used to create micro-columns in the skin. These columns penetrate deep into the dermis, breaking up scar tissue and stimulating the production of new collagen fibers. Over time, the treated areas will fill in with new, healthy tissue, reducing the appearance of acne scars.

Fractional CO2 laser treatments for acne scarring can be customized to fit the needs of each patient. For example, patients with deep scars may require multiple treatments, while those with shallower scars may see results after just one treatment.

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are another common skin concern that can be effectively treated with fractional CO2 laser technology. Stretch marks occur when the skin stretches rapidly, causing the collagen and elastin fibers to break down. This can happen during pregnancy, rapid weight gain or loss, or other hormonal changes.

During a fractional CO2 laser treatment for stretch marks, the laser is used to create micro-columns in the skin. These columns penetrate deep into the dermis, stimulating the production of new collagen fibers. Over time, the treated areas will fill in with new, healthy tissue, reducing the appearance of stretch marks.

Fractional CO2 laser treatments for stretch marks can be customized to fit the needs of each patient. For example, patients with severe stretch marks may require multiple treatments, while those with mild stretch marks may see results after just one treatment.

Scar Revision

Fractional CO2 laser machines can also be used to revise the appearance of scars caused by injury or surgery. Scars form when the body produces excess collagen fibers in response to an injury. Fractional CO2 laser technology can help to break up scar tissue and stimulate the production of new collagen fibers, leading to a smoother, more even skin texture.

CO2 Fractional laser machine, a new generation of laser skin changing system, has the function of super pulse and laser scanning output at the same time, which can quickly and accurately perform various fine laser operations, especially for human body plastic surgery and facial beauty surgery. The high-speed graphics scanner equipped with the system can scan and output graphics of different shapes, and can provide personalized treatment plans according to the needs of different patients. 

Beijing Sincoheren provide CO2 dot matrix laser equipment with excellent performance. If you need more information or support on fractional co2 laser machines, please don’t hesitate to contact us at fractional co2 laser machine, we will try our best to support you.


Beijing Sincoheren S & T Development Co., Ltd.

Beijing Sincoheren S & T Development Co., Ltd.

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